About Us
What happens when environmentally conscious scientists meet experienced eco-entrepreneurs? Innovations emerge that can change the world. This is how the story of mikiGREEN® began.
Ambitious scientists are researching the special abilities of microorganisms in a laboratory in southern Germany. In doing so, they have discovered real everyday heroes who are revolutionizing the topic of hygiene in the home and camping. This special species reliably removes dirt - and leaves nothing behind when cleaning but natural freshness and lasting cleanliness. Without harming the environment in any way. What an ingenious superpower for the ecological challenges of our time!
Saving nature with nature's help? Can it be that easy? Ulf, Elke and Sixten von Sparre tried it out in their own household and were amazed. Bathroom, kitchen, windows, floor, drains and even the camping toilet: everything spotlessly clean, but without any chemicals. The experienced eco-entrepreneurs were enthusiastic and developed mikiGREEN® with the resourceful researchers - the all-round sustainable organic clean formula for indoor and outdoor use. Simply mix, wipe, done. Going green is so smart!