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In this way, young households can save effectively on a day-to-day basis

(djd). Whether it's at the supermarket checkout, filling up with gas or paying for heating bills: It becomes clear almost every day how much more expensive everyday life has become. This is even more true when studying, for trainees or career starters who have to make do with a tight budget anyway. Many consumers in Germany have changed their behavior and consciously pay attention to special offers. According to Statista, in a survey from October 2021, around 57 percent of those surveyed stated that they looked more specifically for bargains when it came to food.

Use tips and shop more consciously

Precise arithmetic has become important, especially for young households with limited means. "You should always keep a close eye on your income and expenses so that the available budget is not regularly exceeded," recommends Korina Dörr, head of the Money and Budget Advisory Service. With the right tips, savings can be found in almost all areas of life, which individually sometimes only amount to a few euros, but can add up to significant amounts over the course of a month. The brochure "Budget Compass for Young Households", which is available free of charge at www.geld-und-Household.de or by calling 030-20455818, provides numerous suggestions. So you should also take a close look at special offers and compare them, because not every supposed offer is actually cheap. A shopping list protects against unplanned spontaneous purchases in the supermarket. Extra-large shopping trolleys tempt you to make larger purchases, because normal quantities look like very little in them. In addition, you should not shop on an empty stomach: if you are hungry, you often take more with you than you originally intended.

Reduce energy consumption in the home

Some euros can be saved on technology and textiles by young households looking around in second-hand shops, swapping platforms or Internet portals. Bus, train and car sharing are the more flexible and cheaper alternative to your own car. And those who are in training or studying can take advantage of further advantages, Korina Dörr continues: "There are often reduced rates for trainees or students, and there are often discounts for software and computers." The largest monthly block of costs is living and the rising ancillary costs, says the expert: "Heating accounts for around 70 percent of energy costs. That's why you can save the most here." Lowering the room temperature by just one degree lowers heating costs by six percent. Windows should not be left open all the time, it is better to open them wide for a short airing. Closing the shutters and curtains at night also prevents heat loss through the windows.