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Foto: Foto: djd/Deutsche Leibrenten


Risk of fire in the house or apartment: Seniors are particularly at risk

(djd). Defective cables, short circuits, forgotten candles, irons or stovetops: there are numerous causes of house fires. According to the Federal Statistical Office, there are around 200,000 fires in German households every year, killing around 350 people. The older the residents are, the greater the risk.

Fire hazard: tips for better protection

Today, many seniors live in their own house or apartment until old age. But as the years go by, their vision and hearing become worse. Their ability to react decreases and with it their ability to recognize dangers at an early stage. Seniors living alone can also not count on outside help in the event of a fire. It is therefore important to take precautions. For example, experts warn that outdated household appliances are the reason for a fire in every fourth household. They advise buying modern equipment, such as an iron that switches itself off. Too many electrical devices on a multiple socket can also overload the power line and lead to a short circuit. Many fires break out in the kitchen. The temperature sensor in a heat detector detects the fire early and warns. The “stove guard” does the same. The device monitors pots and stovetops. It is designed to prevent grease fires and switches off accidentally left-on stovetops in good time. Smoke detectors have also been mandatory in all existing houses nationwide since 2021. They should be installed at least in the bedroom and in the hallway. The smoke detector obligation also applies to property that is occupied by the owner. Anyone who owns their own home is also obliged to check the smoke detectors at least every twelve months and to document this.

Fire protection and Co.: Maintenance is a burden for many seniors

Standing on the ladder to check the fire alarm under the ceiling is a challenge for many elderly people. But it is part of the maintenance of the property and is primarily for your own protection. But not only because of the maintenance of the smoke detectors can the maintenance of the house become a great burden in old age. For example, if it gets too big, seniors have the option of taking out a real estate annuity. By selling their own home to Deutsche Leibrenten Grundbesitz AG, for example, they are released from maintenance. They are allowed to live in their home for life and receive an annuity. Right of residence and pension payments are secured in the land register. More information is available at www.deutsche-leibrenten.de. The money enables seniors to equip the property in such a way that a self-determined life in retirement is possible.